Written By: weka - Date published: 6:06 am, January 23rd, 2021 - 38 comments
When the government proposed declaring a climate emergency in December last year, Jacinda Ardern said this,
This declaration is an acknowledgment of the next generation: an acknowledgment of the burden that they will carry if we do not get this right and if we do not take action now. When I visit schools, when I read children’s letters, I’m often struck by how deeply personal the climate crisis is to them. We cannot underestimate a generation, full of angst and anxiety over the reality of climate change for them and their generation. And it is up to us to make sure that we demonstrate there is a pathway, there is a plan for action, and there is a reason for hope. For them, it is instinctual. It is tangible. It is real. It is about the country they will inherit and it’s about the burden of debt they will inherit unless we make s
Budget 2021 will be delivered on Thursday 20 May, Finance Minister Grant Robertson announced today. “My focus continues to be on making sure spending is targeted at the areas and people that need it the most. “We will manage the books carefully including ensuring we are getting value for money .
16 hours ago
Morena ki a tatau, Tena tatau i nga kaupapa hauora, E tuitui nei i a tatau i tēnei ata, Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou katoa. When we were re-elected with a clear mandate for change, our Government made three promises: To keep New Zealanders safe from COVID-19 To .