Project Overview
Asia Pacific Research for Mental Health Services (ASPIRE-MHS) is a network of researchers, service providers, and policy makers in Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Australia, and the United States. Working together, their goals are 1) to expand regional research capacity in implementation science, and 2) to evaluate the strategies and costs associated with bringing to scale a transdiagnostic psychotherapy program for common mental disorders. The scale-up implementation study is being conducted in Myanmar. Capacity-building activities are occurring in Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.
Implementation Research Study
The implementation research study is designed to identify effective organizational strategies for integrating an evidence-based mental health intervention into care across different types of provider agencies in Myanmar. The intervention is the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA), which is a transdiagnostic inter
Health (PRISM) project integrates implementation research for scaling up sustainable, evidence-based mental health interventions with research capacity-building activities for East Asia. The mental health implementation research hub, based in Thailand and including China, will focus on reducing the treatment gap and support for community-residing older adults, with a particular focus on elders with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in Specific aims are to: (1) empirically test a culturally adapted
Getting-To-Outcomes (GTO) implementation support model aimed at enhancing the delivery of an evidence-based physical exercise intervention for narrowing the treatment gap for older persons with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in Thailand; (2) build individual and institutional capacity for the implementation of mental health intervention research in Thailand and China; (3) improve Thai and Chinese policy makers’ capacity for using research for eviden
Project Overview
SPIRIT is a research partnership that aims to bridge the gap between scientific evidence and practice in suicide prevention and mental health interventions in India and Bangladesh. SPIRIT will be implemented by the Indian Law Society, Pune, India; in collaboration with Trimbos Institute, Netherlands; Sneha Suicide Prevention Centre, Chennai, India; Gujarat Institute for Mental Health & Hospital for Mental Health, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India; and the Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs, Bangladesh. The project is supported by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat, and funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. The project has received approval from the Health Ministry Screening Committee of the Government of India.
Project Overview
School Health Implementation Network: Eastern Mediterranean Region (SHINE) is a collaborative network involving four countries in the World Health Organization’s Eastern Mediterranean Region (WHO-EMRO). Its principal focus is scaling up school-based mental health services. An implementation study is taking place in Pakistan, and capacity-building activities are occurring in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, and Iran.
Implementation Research Study
The implementation study is designed to assess the effectiveness of both an intervention and an implementation strategy. The study is embedded in Pakistan’s scale up of the WHO-EMRO evidence-based, manualized School Mental Health Intervention. The study compares two implementation methods – conventional versus technology-assisted delivery of teacher training, guidance of child intervention, and monitoring of outcomes. It also models the costs of implementing the technology-assisted model and develops a rapid replication tool
Project Overview
Scaling Up Mental Health Interventions in Latin America is a partnership to advance the use of mobile behavioral health technology for delivering mental health care and thereby reducing the mental health treatment gap in Colombia. The primary focus is on depression, with a secondary focus on problematic alcohol and other substance abuse. An implementation study is being conducted in Colombia. Research capacity-building activities are taking place in Colombia, Chile, and Peru.
Implementation Research Study
The implementation study is designed to assess the effectiveness of scaling up Square2 - a technology-enhanced service delivery model for treating comorbid depression and substance abuse in primary care. The team is refining and testing a service delivery model in multiple healthcare sites in urban and rural Colombia. Outcomes include implementation- and patient-level outcomes. The implementation outcomes are capacity to provide evidence-based mental health resou