As Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor's youngest daughter Rhea Kapoor gets hitched to her longtime beau Karan Boolani, the actor stated that his "magnum opus is now complete" and even shared their family photo. |
Penning her thoughts about the wedding, Sonam Kapoor shared a beautiful photo with Rhea Kapoor from her wedding with Karan Boolani. The Neerja actress looked stunning in her ethnic avatar.
Inside photos of Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani's wedding are going viral on social media. Now, a photo was shared by Masaba Gupta from inside the wedding that reveals what Arjun Kapoor and Anil Kapoor were up to.
Sonam Kapoor took to Instagram to post a photo with her sister Rhea Kapoor, who married Karan Boolani on August 14. Sonam also penned a sweet note for Rhea.