Ōmanawa double murder accused s mother says her late son admitted he carried out the murders
5 May, 2021 12:00 AM
5 minutes to read
Sarah Tarei and her partner Samuel Fane are on trial in the High Court at Tauranga. Photo / George Novak
Sarah Tarei and her partner Samuel Fane are on trial in the High Court at Tauranga. Photo / George Novak
The mother of an Auckland man on trial for the alleged execution-style murders of two men in Ōmanawa has given evidence the accused s brother told her he did the killings and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory .
Samuel Deane Fane, 26, is accused of killing Paul Lasslett, 43, and Nicholas Littlewood, 32, at an Ormsby Lane address in Ōmanawa on February 11, 2020.
WATCH LIVE | State capture inquiry hears evidence related to Bosasa 05 May 2021 - 09:56 By TimesLIVE
Bosasa specialises in providing services to government, most notably prison services.
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Tauranga jury hears evidence about Ōmanawa execution-style alleged double murder
4 May, 2021 06:03 AM
6 minutes to read
Sarah Tarei and her partner Samuel Fane are on trial in the High Court at Tauranga. Photo / George Novak
Sarah Tarei and her partner Samuel Fane are on trial in the High Court at Tauranga. Photo / George Novak
Ten minutes is all it took for Samuel Deane Fane and his older brother Anthony to allegedly shoot two men at a Bay of Plenty property execution-style in February last year, says the Crown.
Tauranga Crown solicitor Anna Pollett delivered her opening address in the case of the Samuel Deane Fane, 26, in the High Court at Tauranga today.
WATCH LIVE | Former Prasa boss Lucky Montana returns to Zondo commission 03 May 2021 - 10:35 By TimesLIVE
The state capture inquiry chaired by deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo will on Monday hear evidence related to the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) from former group CEO Lucky Montana.
During a previous appearance at the inquiry, Montana denied involvement in irregular contracts at the agency and distanced himself from the controversial Gupta family.
Ahead of President Cyril Ramaphosa's appearance before deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo this week, the commission played host to a different, if more colourful, witness, writes Mike Siluma.