The Biden administration reversed a Trump policy and is no longer expelling illegal immigrant children from Central America who show up at the border without parents but children from Mexico who show up in the same condition are being deported, according to a new analysis.
A report detailing the Biden administration's "lottery" migration policy, resulting in the mass release of border crossers into the U.S. interior, reveals that DHS is flying single male adult border crossers into the country in addition to.
Single male illegals are being flown to somewhere USA
June 3, 2021
Far-Left Biden’s hardcore leftist Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is flying single adult male border crossers to cities across the United States, NBC News reports. It’s surprising NBC allowed this report to be published.
Single males are often gang-related or soon will be. They also make great Antifa and BLMers.
A report detailing the Biden administration’s “lottery” migration policy, resulting in the mass release of border-crossers into the U.S. interior, reveals that DHS is flying single male adult border crossers into the country in addition to Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) and adult border crossers arriving with children.