Fri, 05/21/2021 - 10:15am
Dorothy Eisner’s “Camp Basketball” collage- 14” x 22” - is part of the exhibit at Gleason Fine Art opening in time for the Memorial Day weekend. Courtesy of the gallery
Story Location:
Boothbay Harbor Maine 04538United States
From Thursday, May 27, through Tuesday, June 29, Gleason Fine Art in Boothbay Harbor is showing the paper collages and select oils of Cranberry Island artist, Dorothy Eisner (1906 to 1984). For 24 summers at the end of her life, Eisner was an enthusiastic member of Cranberry Island s large artistic community, which included John Heliker, William Kienbusch, Gretna Campbell, Carl Nelson, and many others. Gleason Fine Art is honored to represent the estate of Dorothy Eisner for her daughter, Christie McDonald.