Many apparently desirable strategies, like a Universal Basic Income, are probably unaffordable now and might become even less so depending on how AI implementation plays out. The most promising approach is shortening the work week. This is feasible because AI is inherently labour saving. Experiments here and overseas suggest that office workers can often maintain productivity despite dropping to a four-day week.
The Government would need to subsidise the shorter work week in some cases so that workers retained the same level of pay, the report suggests. This would effectively subsidise the sharing of a wide variety of high-value, well-paid work. It would also address metrics which show that New Zealanders overwork when compared to other comparable developed countries.
Andrew Barnes: What Govt should demand of wealthy investors coming to NZ
19 May, 2021 08:00 PM
5 minutes to read
There s currently little to ensure that rich investors actually contribute to the local community. Photo / Getty Images
There s currently little to ensure that rich investors actually contribute to the local community. Photo / Getty Images
NZ Herald
OPINION: Back in May 2017 an intriguing – and potentially helpful – change was made to the investor visa application programme; applicants were allowed to donate up to 15 per cent of their investment to registered charities or not-for-profits in New Zealand.
However, the latest figures from Immigration New Zealand show that in the four years that have elapsed since applicants were given this option, not a single person is recorded as having done so – despite $9 billion being invested to date under the terms of the visa programme.
But in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the buzz is building to a roar, with international campaigns for change gaining political, corporate and public support. While Four Day Week Ireland is advocating for a transition to a shorter working week for all workers, Microsoft Japan has reported a 39 per cent increase in productivity from a four-day week trial. Spanish left-wing political party Mas Pais is in talks with central government to finalise details of a pilot programme giving workers an extra day off, and the Indian Government is considering policy changes to allow more flexibility for companies looking to implement a four-day week.