A carer was caught on camera ill-treating a pensioner with dementia she was meant to be caring for, a court heard.
Jenny Dady, 29, was employed to look.
A Norwich man has admitted supplying drugs to a small number of friends.
Lewis LIttlechild, 23, was a passenger in a car which was stopped by police on.
A Norwich man has admitted supplying drugs to a small number of friends.
Lewis LIttlechild, 23, was a passenger in a car which was stopped by police on.
Cannabis was found in a builder s bag
- Credit: Archant
A man was found with a builders bag of herbal cannabis in the back of a van with false number plates, a court heard.
Rayyan Berry, 31, was stopped by police and found to have the cannabis in the back of the van along with a crowbar and a Samurai sword, Norwich Crown Court was told.
Andrew Oliver, prosecuting, said the plants had been taken from an illegal growing operation in Nelson Road North, in Great Yarmouth.
Mr Oliver said it had been a planned operation. Berry had not been involved in the organisation of the raid but had acted as a driver.
Market Views: How should instos approach investment insourcing?
The growing appetite among asset owners to bring portfolio management in-house is understandable, but the talent pool is already tight in Asia – and getting tighter.
The number of asset owners looking to insource investment management and reduce their use of external fund houses by building in-house teams is rising in Asia, as it is globally.
Australian superannuation funds, such as AustralianSuper, have been moving aggressively in this direction in recent years, and the trend has become more prominent generally in the persistently low-yield environment.
For pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, insurance firms and other institutions, improving internal investment capabilities holds the prospect of major benefits: reducing costs, increasing control over assets and therefore risk, and developing a stronger pipeline of investment opportunities through partners.