St Patrickâs Day: The Harp of Erin pub s Irish connection (Photo: Harp of Erin/Facebook) If this were a normal year, staff at The Harp of Erin pub in Bradford would be gearing up for St Patrick’s Day. The pub claims to be Bradford’s oldest Irish pub and for them St Patrick’s Day is the biggest day of the year. The green decorations would have been put on the wall and the DJ booth prepped for the night’s festivities.
The Harp of Erin pub However, this isn’t a normal year and the pandemic has put a stop to St Patrick’s Day festivities once again.
The Shoulder of Mutton with, left, entrance to the Shoulder s yard, later the beer garden A PUB which witnessed the modern history of Bradford is the Shoulder of Mutton in Kirkgate, writes DR PAUL JENNINGS in the latest of his articles on old pubs in the city: John Wilson was trading as a butcher there in the 1790s and by 1803 had also acquired a licence, appropriately as the Shoulder of Mutton. In 1825 his daughter Elizabeth rebuilt the premises as we see them today, a fact commemorated by her initials and that date over the doorway. Like inns generally it played a vital role in economic and social life. In the first half of the 19th century, manufacturers coming to the nearby Piece Hall based themselves there and carriers departed to take goods to neighbouring towns and villages. The entrance to the yard, where there were also wool warehouses, as well the brewhouse, can be seen to the left in the photograph.
Toronto Filipino restaurant opening new location in region that s out of lockdown
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As the stay-at-home order lifts in Toronto but indoor dining remains prohibited under grey zone lockdown restrictions, one restaurant is opening a new location in a region that has already entered the green zone.
Filipino restaurant Mother Tongue is opening a Blue Mountain location, in the Grey Bruce Health region where seated dining is permitted. Our second location of Mother Tongue is scheduled to open in the heart of the Blue Mountain Village in May 2021, with 130 seats inside and 120 outside, our largest restaurant to date, and we expect the Blue Mountain Village will still be in the green zone at that time, Shelby P. Turner, Operations Manager for Turner Hospitality Group, told blogTO.
2 mánaða gömul. 17.02.2021 - 10:38
Mynd úr safni. Mynd: Anton Brink - RÚV
A bar owner is suing the State in what his lawyer hopes will be a case that sets a precedent. Many bar owners are unhappy they were forced to close due to anti-COVID measures, while cafés and restaurants that also serve alcohol could stay open.
Going out for a drink is a popular pastime in Iceland, as in most countries, and this weekend illustrated that, as people took advantage of bars that had been closed for over four months until the start of last week.