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Lambton County councillors want the extra provincial funding that’s helping provide overflow homeless shelters in the community to continue beyond when it’s scheduled to expire in October.
The county has received about $6 million in additional COVID-related funding for social services, the bulk of which has been used to add temporarily shelter space after the number of homeless residents in the Sarnia area spiked during the pandemic.
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Try refreshing your browser. Province urged to continue funding overflow homeless shelters in Lambton Back to video
Lambton normally has about 60 people living in shelters but in May that number was nearly 240, with the overflow living in temporary shelter accommodations in local hotels.
Opened churches not showing love I am wondering how opening churches against public health orders and failing to comply with restrictions is in any way…
Lambton County councillors want the extra provincial funding that’s helping provide overflow homeless shelters in the community to continue beyond when it’s…
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Core revamp should look to waterfront
This letter is prompted by my response to the Downtown London Re-imagined Survey, created by the group responsible for the Strategy and Implementation Plan (2021-25).
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Try refreshing your browser, or Letters to the Editor: May 28 Back to video
London should have a downtown that works more as a hub, a magnet, becoming an area that defines the city, not an embarrassing eyesore.
London needs to develop its waterfront on the east shore of the Thames River, shifting “downtown” to a more open, fresh location.
Author of the article: The Whig-Standard
Publishing date: May 12, 2021 • 5 hours ago • 15 minute read
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A compilation of offences from Kingston’s Ontario Court of Justice for the period of Feb. 8-12, 2021. Only sentences that involved a large fine, probation or incarceration are included.
Terry T. Allen, 45, was convicted of assaulting his partner in February 2020 and a related charge of mischief by intentionally damaging her property. His sentencing was suspended and he was placed on probation for 18 months and ordered to complete assessments, counselling and programs of rehabilitation as directed by his probation officer. Assistant Crown attorney Natalie Thompson said Allen and his victim at the time of the offences had been involved in a protracted argument over several days. Allen was yelling at the victim, she said, when the woman decided to leave and moved toward the door. Thompson told Justice Alison Wheeler that Allen intercepted his then pa