Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett publicly praised Airmen, Guardians, and senior Air and Space Forces leaders during a ceremony at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Jan. 14., News, features and commentaries about Air Force Reserve people, equipment and missions
Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett publicly praised Airmen, Guardians, and senior Air and Space Forces leaders during a ceremony at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Jan. 14., News stories from the United States Air Force Academy.
Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett publicly praised Airmen, Guardians, and senior Air and Space Forces leaders during a ceremony at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Jan. 14.,
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The overwhelming evidence tells us Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is slowing or killing the $2,000 checks. | Cheriss May/Getty Images
AT THE MOMENT which means as of before dawn this Wednesday morning it doesn’t look like Senate Majority Leader
Not sure if this is a black swan, but I would not be surprised if the next administration kicks off an internal review of the services’ roles and responsibilities, with an eye toward reducing excessive redundancy in force structure and capabilities, Mark Gunzinger says
Theresa Hitchens on December 28, 2020 at 1:55 PM
Airmen install a new cable run on an aging Minuteman III missile.
WASHINGTON: Budget. Budget. Budget. It’s the first word out of the mouths of analysts, former DoD officials and retired brass when asked (in a totally unscientific poll) to opine on the three major issues facing the Air Force in 2021. The tightly entangled questions of how much money will be available, how service leaders want to spend it, and what Congress will allow them to