An emotional Salman Khan on Thursday thanked the judge after receiving a breather from the Jodhpur District and Sessions Court, which dismissed two pleas filed by the Rajasthan government against the Bollywood actor in a case related to .
An emotional Salman Khan on Thursday thanked the judge after receiving a breather from the Jodhpur District and Sessions Court, which dismissed two pleas filed by the Rajasthan government against the Bollywood actor in a case related to submitting a false affidavit in the court in 2003.
On Thursday, the Jodhpur District and Sessions Court has struck down Rajasthan Government's plea over Salman Khan's false affidavit submissions related to his arms licence in 2003.
Jodhpur (Rajasthan) [India], February 11 (ANI): The Jodhpur District and Sessions Court on Thursday dismissed a petition filed by the Rajasthan government that alleged that actor Salman Khan had presented a false affidavit related to the Arms Act in the blackbuck poaching case.
Bollywood star Salman Khan on Tuesday apologised for mistakenly submitting a false affidavit in the Jodhpur session court in 2003, during his hearing in a case related to the poaching of two blackbucks in Jodhpur in 1998.
The final verdict in the case will be pronounced on Thursday.
Salman appeared before the Jodhpur session court for the hearing of his appeal against conviction in the blackbuck poaching case through video conferencing. His lawyer Hastimal Saraswat told the court that the affidavit was mistakenly submitted to the court on August 8, 2003, for which the actor should be forgiven.
During the hearing, Saraswat said, The affidavit was mistakenly given on August 8, 2003, as Salman had forgotten that his licence was given for renewal because he was too busy. Therefore, he mentioned that the licence had gone missing in the court.