The show was hosted by Al Clark, who had turned his passion into a successful business, creating sought-after hot rods in his Fairfield garage since 1966.
He announced the event’s cancellation on social media and spent all day Wednesday on the phone explaining why.
“I wanted to go out on a high note. Although it was successful, organizing it was a lot of work. It takes a team of us two years of planning and six months of full-time work just before the date,” said Clark, 75. “It could very well be the city’s largest spectator gathering and everything is free.”
By Jade Martinez-Pogue, Noozhawk Staff Writer | @MartinezPogue
February 19, 2021
| 8:18 p.m.
The Santa Barbara County Association of Governments has received the final Regional Housing Needs Allocation determination, which fell about 15% below the previous draft number presented to the board of directors in November.
The RHNA is the state’s fair share housing law that requires local governments to plan for the minimum number of housing units across four income groups. SBCAG, acting as the regional government agency for Santa Barbara County, is responsible for developing a methodology to allocate the housing units across the county.
The county’s final RHNA determination for the eight-year cycle of 2023-31 is 24,856 housing units. That number was adjusted down from 29,313, the previous draft number determined by the California Department of Housing and Community Development in November.
In October 2002, a group of local anti-war activists started standing in protest every Friday afternoon at the corner of Linden and Carpinteria avenues. Eventually, people started calling the spot âPeace Corner,â and the name stuck.Â
A few weeks ago, on Jan. 22, the group was out for the last time this year. Participation has ebbed and flowed over the years, and for James and Barbara Finch, two of the groupâs most stalwart participants, 18 years and 900 Fridays was enough. âWe have a new president, new peace and new hope, so we decided to stop,â said Barbara.Â
For others, itâs the pandemic that has made the protests untenable and after Covid-19 is quelled, they hope to be back out there.Â
Anne Mctavish said: Just open everything back up now Boris. So we can see friends and family that don t live near us. It is too depressing staying at home most of the time and not being with the ones we love. In other words, life is bad now and doing my head in. Same thing day in and day out. sleep most of the time and watch TV. And living alone. Tammy Thompson said: Anne Mctavish, if he does that’s just stupid. We are only starting to see light at the end of the tunnel, why waste everything that’s been done?
As you might know, Garrison indicted Clay Shaw for perjury after his acquittal on conspiracy charges. He claimed Shaw lied when he denied knowing David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald. Garrison told his staff to go out and find new leads to help prove his perjury case.
Garrison had strict instructions on the maintenance of this file:
There are many memos of Shaw Leads II. Most of the leads are nothing more than rehashed rumors or stale leads that were of no interest when first reported. Needless to say, none of the leads panned out. Here is one of the first memos: