Record container throughput and higher returns from cold storage have contributed to South Port recording a profit of $6.1 million in the first half of the financial year.
Portland smelter operator Alcoa denies koala had severe burns when removed from grounds
WedWednesday 10
Ambrose the koala was found with such severe burns he had to be put down.
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Authorities are investigating how a koala found on a golf course in south-west Victoria was so seriously burnt and in distress it later had to be euthanased.
Key points:
A koala was found severely burnt and in pain at Portland s golf course on January 28
The company that operates a nearby aluminium smelter moved a koala to the golf course the day before, but says it wasn t injured
Kavinda Herath / Stuff
Sort out the Dross spokesperson and Mataura resident Laurel Turnbull is delighted to hear an agreement has been reached to remove the ouvea premix being stored in the town s former paper mill building.
Tonnes of a hazardous substance sitting in a Mataura warehouse will be moved to the New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Limited (NZAS) site at Tiwai Point where it will be stored in containers. The news has been welcomed by Mataura resident Laurel Turnbull, who has been fighting for the removal of the ouvea premix since 2014.
Kavinda Herath/Stuff
Sort out the Dross spokesperson and Mataura resident Laurel Turnbull is delighted to hear an agreement has been reached to remove the ouvea premix being stored in the town s former paper mill building.
Rio Tinto releases fourth quarter production results
on January 19 2021 8:30 AM
MELBOURNE, Australia (BUSINESS WIRE) Rio Tinto Chief Executive Jakob Stausholm said “We have delivered a strong safety and operational performance in the face of the significant global challenges of COVID-19. Our 2020 performance reflects the resilience of the business, and the commitment and flexibility of our employees, customers, communities and host governments. We are working to restore trust with the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura (PKKP) people. Some important progress has been made as set out in the joint statement issued in December following a meeting between the PKKP and Rio Tinto boards. We are also developing additional measures to strengthen our partnerships with Traditional Owners, including a commitment to modernise and improve agreements, particularly in the Pilbara. More broadly, we are determined to improve Rio Tinto’s approach to stakeholder engagement globally by embedding a