The ANWR fight continues across generations Author: Michael Carey Published January 27
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Print article If celebrity means getting in the news and staying in the news, as wags have cracked, the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge has achieved celebrity. ANWR has been in the news since the 1950s, when Alaska and stateside environmentalists began lobbying for a wildlife reserve extending from the Brooks Range north to arctic salt water. The environmentalists’ lobbying was successful with the creation of the Arctic National Wildlife Range in early 1960, the waning days of the Eisenhower administration. The range was about half the size of the 18-million-acre refuge the range became part of in 1980 during the Carter administration. In Dwight D. Eisenhower’s day, there actually were Republican environmentalists, some moneyed eastern sportsmen who, If 60 years old or more in 1960, might have met Teddy Roosevelt, the president who brought environmental stewardshi
20 January 2021 20:32 GMT Updated 21 January 2021 12:56 GMT in Houston
The oil and gas industry in the US braced for change as Democrat Joe Biden officially because president, replacing Donald Trump and with his eye on greener energy policies going forward.
Biden was on Wednesday sworn in as the 46
th president of the US, shortly after Kamala Harris was sworn in as the vice president, the first woman to hold that role.
In his inaugural address, Biden emphasised themes of unity and recovery, adding that there will be “much to build, much to change” moving forward.
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Incoming U.S. president Joe Biden will announce America’s return to the international Paris Agreement to fight climate change on Wednesday, the centerpiece of a raft of day-one executive orders aimed at restoring U.S. leadership in combating global warming.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed disappointment at the news in a statement, but used the rest of his response to try to move beyond this disagreement