3:28 Nearly 5,000 people in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and almost a fifth of those people have also received their second dose. That makes more people in the region who have received at least one dose of the vaccine than have tested positive for the virus. Across the region, 4,248 people have tested positive for COVID-19 as of Jan. 20, according to the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation.
“I’m very pleased about that. Every single shot in an arm is one less person who might succumb to this terrible disease,” said Hodges.
Since late December, Hodges has flown across the region trying to get as many of these shots in as many arms as possible.
January 20, 2021 (Juneau, AK) – Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy issued a statement on today’s decision of incoming President Joe Biden to halt oil and gas activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The decision follows the historic lease sale held on January 6, 2021. Today’s announcement to shut down development in the Arctic […]
Two local clinics have administered a little over 200 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in Kodiak to people over the age of 65 and healthcare workers in the third tier
Essential health caregivers who provide urgent in-person services can register to get vaccinated now. The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services announced Wednesday that the registration for the vaccination in Phase 1a Tier 3 is open.
To get an appointment, health workers can go to the department’s website, find the closest clinic offering vaccination on the map and get an appointment. The department also launched an app for registration for vaccination. The direct link to the webpage is http://bit.ly/vaccine register.
Vaccination of this group of health workers will probably take a good portion of January, Alaska Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink said during a Wednesday news conference.