Human rights abuses and coercive practices remain common across the globe, yet people-centred, community-based approaches have proven success, it says. The guidance cites a South Auckland example, Tupu Ake, a peer-led crisis service in Papatoetoe. Research shows .
Cecile Meier05:00, Jun 05 2021
Sungmi Kim/Stuff
Children have been held in seclusion for lengthy periods in mental health hospitals, it has emerged, prompting outrage.
Vulnerable young children are being locked in small rooms in mental health hospitals for days at a time, a practice that has drawn condemnation from experts. CECILE MEIER reports. Jane remembers screaming and banging on the walls. She remembers the bare room “looked very much like a prison cell” – there was a seat carved into the wall, a toilet and a small window. A nurse was outside the room, monitoring her. She doesn’t remember how long she was there for. It could have been half an hour. It could have been two hours. She says her brain has blurred out the traumatic memory.
+Undoctored The Suicide Prevention Office has welcomed Dr Hinemoa Elder as the new Chair of its Māori Expert Reference Panel
Ministry of Health
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Dr Hinemoa Elder
The Suicide Prevention Office has welcomed Dr Hinemoa Elder as the new Chair of its Māori Expert Reference Panel.
The Māori Expert Reference Panel provides the Suicide Prevention Office with strategic advice, support and guidance on matters relating to Māori suicide prevention and implementation of New Zealand’s suicide prevention strategy, He Tapu te Oranga o ia tangata.
Director of the Suicide Prevention Office, Carla na Nagara, said Dr Elder’s skills and experience brought valuable insights to the panel.