JORDANIAN authorities have accused the king’s half-brother of a “malicious plot” to destabilise the country and ordered his house arrest.
But Prince Hamza, a former crown prince whose place in the succession was rescinded by King Abdullah II in 2004, said today that he would not comply with the “unacceptable” order to stay at home.
“The army chief of staff came to me and issued threats in the name of heads of security agencies,” he said in a recorded message. “I recorded his comments and distributed them to my acquaintances abroad as well as my family in case something happens.”
By Patrick Goodenough | April 4, 2021 | 8:22pm EDT
Jordan’s King Abdullah, left, and his half-brother, then-Crown Prince Hamzah bin Hussein, in 2000. (Photo by Jamal Nasrallah/AFP via Getty Images)
( – Arab and Muslim leaders lined up to throw their public support behind Jordan’s King Abdullah on Sunday after authorities said they had foiled a conspiracy against the king, allegedly involving a displaced former crown prince – the king’s half-brother – and a senior former court official.
Although rare in relatively stable Jordan, in a region that is no stranger to palace intrigues and foreign plotting, public displays of solidarity are common at such times, as leaders make clear which side they are on – or try to allay any suspicion that they may be sympathetic to the perpetrators.
The origins of the Liberty Ship can be traced to a design proposed by the British in 1940. Seeking to replace wartime losses, the British placed contracts with US shipyards for 60 steamers of the Ocean class. These steamers were of simple design and featured a single coal-fired 2,500 horsepower reciprocating steam engine. While the coal-fired reciprocating steam engine was obsolete, it was reliable and Britain possessed a large supply of coal. While the British ships were being constructed, the US Maritime Commission examined the design and made alterations to lessen coast and speed construction.
This revised design was classified EC2-S-C1 and featured oil-fired boilers. The ship s designation represented: Emergency Construction (EC), a length of 400 to 450 feet at the waterline (2), steam-powered (S), and design (C1). The most significant change to the original British design was to replace much of the riveting with welded seams. A new practice, the use of welding decre