Press Release
December 15, 2020
The labor market panel at the Israel Democracy Institute’s Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economics and Society dealt with the challenges and opportunities of the employment market in the post-Covid era.
Itzik Shmuli, minister of labor, social affairs, and social services: “The COVID crisis has silenced and made redundant whole industries. It has left many young and self-employed workers in a vulnerable position. Vocational training is a key tool for dealing with this dramatic situation. In this context, the government will invest about a billion shekels in vocational training and will be able to provide grants to employers who will integrate workers who have undergone professional training. Our goal as a government is that by the end of 2021, 100,000 Israelis will be able to benefit from retraining and will receive assistance with their reintegration into the workplace with the proper conditions.
Press Release
December 14, 2020
Today (Dec 14th) the Israel Democracy Institute’s Eli Hurvitz s Conference on Economics and Society, opened today in Jerusalem with a session From Recession to Growth: Macroeconomic Policy, which focused on ways to accelerate the Israeli economy.
Flash 90
The Israel Democracy Institute s Eli Hurvitz s Conference on Economics and Society opened today (December 14th) in Jerusalem with the session From Recession to Growth: Macroeconomic Policy, which focused on ways to accelerate the Israeli economy. The panel was overseen by the conference co-chairs
Prof. Eugene Kandel, CEO of Start-Up Nation Central and
Prof. Karnit Flug, IDI s vice-president for research and William Davidson Senior Fellow for Economic Policy and former governor of the Bank of Israel.
Dubi Amitai
Broadening Horizons: Israel and the Global Economy Dr. Bruce Kasman Christian Esters
A Green Rescue Plan for the Israeli Economy Prof. Nathan Zussman Dr. Ori Sharon MK Yaakov Margi (Shas Party)
Chair, Knesset Finance Committee
Open discussion Prof. Karnit Flug
Vice-President for Research and the William Davidson Senior Fellow for Economic Policy, Israel Democracy Institute and Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Former Governor of the Bank of Israel
Address by the Governor of the Bank of Israel, Prof. Amir Yaron