What Is Up With The Allergies In Texas Right Now?
Look, I ve lived in a lot of different places and dealt with seasonal allergies all my life. No big deal, right? This year however has been a completely different story.
Let me take you back a bit. I moved to Texas about 8 years ago from Colorado. My allergies there were almost nonexistent. Colorado is a very dry state and that seemed to agree with me. Once I got to Texas though, I noticed a bit of a change.
My first winter in Austin, I started to feel like I was constantly catching a cold or something. I kept pumping cold meds in me and it just never seemed to take the edge off. That was when I found out about cedar fever. Austin is surrounded by the Texas Hill Country, full of these lush and gorgeous trees. Because Texas doesn t really get the winter freeze a lot of places do, the trees and plants are able to pollinate all year long, therefore creating conditions for bad allergies.
There is no surprise that there is a huge shortage of worker's here in Amarillo. We see businesses all over with help wanted signs. I get the argument on both sides. I see people who complain that with the Unemployment benefits why work?
Which Concerts to See at the 2021 State Fair of Texas: My Picks
Everyone is talking about it. The State Fair of Texas, and Big Tex, are back for 2021. Mark your calendars for September 24 through October 17.
When I first went to the State Fair s website, I had to do a double take. I easily recognized Jack Ingram, but the guy next to him looked a lot like Mark McGrath. Sure enough, the biggest surprise this year on the lineup is Sugar Ray.
Here are my picks for this year for must see concerts:
Sugar Ray
It s going to feel weird admitting this, but the allure here is pure nostalgia. I can go without the bedpost song. In fact there are a lot of their songs that I can miss and not worry about it. Nothing against Sugar Ray, they re just not my cup of sweet tea.