); They smashed every one of her windows : Parents of drug users at high risk of drug threats in Dublin s inner city
A new report on drug-related intimidation wil be launched today. By Stephen McDermott Tuesday 26 Jan 2021, 6:30 AM Jan 26th 2021, 6:30 AM 50,569 Views 46 Comments
Image: Shutterstock/Cindy Goff
Image: Shutterstock/Cindy Goff
PARENTS AND PARTNERS of drug users in Dublin’s north-east inner-city are believed to be almost as likely to experience drug-related intimidation as users themselves, a new report has found.
Around four in five respondents to a survey, carried out as part of a report into drug-related intimidation, believed that parents and partners of drug users were among those at-risk of being threatened.
Drug-related intimidation is now so rampant in Dublin’s north-east inner city that more than 20pc of people surveyed there have experienced it directly, according to a new report released today.
Violence, threats of harm, vandalism and intimidation are being used not only on people with drug debts and their family members, but anyone even suspected of reporting drug dealing in their area.
The report reveals that over 80pc of respondents to an online survey aimed at those living or working in the area, which encompasses Summerhill, Ballybough, Mountjoy Square, Parnell Street and Gardiner Street, as well as areas of the Docklands, were aware of drug-related intimidation as an issue in their community.
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There has been a 277% increase in the number of crack pipes distributed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) over the past five years.
While just under three million needles for heroin use have also been handed out since 2016.
The use of crack cocaine is rapidly increasing in Ireland with almost 50,000 crack pipes given out to users by the HSE over the past five years.
The drug is described as being highly addictive, as it produces a much stronger but shorter lasting high than cocaine.
Since 2016, the HSE has spent €65,000 on the pipes, according to the
Irish Times.
Deserted Dublin streets lead to outreach problems and concerns about anti-social behaviour
The problem is one that’s been raised consistently by outreach workers. By Rónán Duffy Saturday 23 Jan 2021, 10:31 AM Jan 23rd 2021, 10:31 AM 61,520 Views 46 Comments
Wicklow Street in Dublin earlier this week.
Image: Sasko Lazarov/RollingNews.ie
Image: Sasko Lazarov/RollingNews.ie
EMPTY CITY STREETS are a feature of the pandemic that never seem normal even if they have become the norm.
Drive or walk through Dublin right now and things feel particularly stark, with many of the shuttered shops suffering the effects of persistent closure over the last few months.
Practical ways to help people who are homeless this Christmas
It can be as simple as saying hello to someone when you see them on the streets. By Hayley Halpin Saturday 19 Dec 2020, 7:00 AM Dec 19th 2020, 7:00 AM 21,116 Views 12 Comments
Image: Eamonn Farrell via RollingNews.ie
Image: Eamonn Farrell via RollingNews.ie
THE HOMELESSNESS AND housing crisis in Ireland has continued this year.
Emergency accommodation figures for October show that 8,737 people were in emergency accommodation, including 6,095 adults and 2,642 children.
With those figures in mind, as Christmas is fast approaching many charities and organisations will be going the extra mile to make sure people who find themselves homeless this Christmas will have a warm meal to eat and a bed for the night, at the very least.