City hopes for $18.6M from feds
Marks left on an East Avenue sidewalk after an April 7 single car accident. (Contributed by Bradford Craighead)
NORWALK, Conn. No one was hurt when a car ran off East Avenue, right over the sidewalk and into somebody’s yard, but a local activist contends last week’s accident shows just how badly pedestrian improvements are needed in the area around the town green.
“While I was alarmed by the fact that a car could so easily and crazy/dangerously run up off East Avenue and over the sidewalk and end up on the front lawn at my neighbor’s building… I was secretly almost delighted that such an event would occur with Police fanfare / action because we have worked so hard on trying to get the City to address this particular section of the EA corridor,” Bradford Craighead wrote in an email to NancyOnNorwalk.
NORWALK, Conn. A roundup of news from Tuesday’s Common Council Public Works Committee meeting:
A new study, tuned to making Norwalk more walkable
NRVT trail segment construction imminent, should be done this year
Flood-prevention efforts said to be success
An agreement to keep coal ash capped
Dumped waste cleaned up fast
Is garbage spying on you? Carr says stats show pandemic is easing
Transportation management plan: ‘a little bit more on mobility for everyone’
“You’ll recall but about 10 years ago we did our first citywide traffic management plan, which was one of the first ones in the region, mostly funded by the state,” Transportation, Mobility and Parking (TMP) Principal Engineer Mike Yeosock said. “And out of that came a lot of a lot of good things: we redid the roadway design manual, identified a lot of projects. We were able to obtain funding for those projects over the years. The city is continually changing and growing and it’s about time to revisit
The BOE never ceases to amaze the residents of the city. How disgusting that Mike Barbis a DULY ELECTED MEMBER! As opposed to just hand picked replacement members is not on a committee again!!! So much for the BS unity and all the other garbage about it people like Sarah and BMM speak of. And now Colin we expected better from you. SHAMEFUL! And you set a horrible example!
A couple of questions:
1-What is the rationale for the BoE denying duly elected Board member Mike Barbis committee membership. Chair Hosten said his predecessors covered this but I don’t see that. Seems to me they are denying his district their representation. No problem with rebuking Mr, Barbis if they feel it is warranted but they are refusing his electors their right to representation.
Norwalk Chief of Operations and Public Works Anthony Robert Carr, during a recent Council Committee meeting.
In Lewis Carroll’s Victorian classic
Through the Looking-Glass, Alice steps through a mirror into a world that is a reflection of the one she already exists in. This fictional account of a familiar yet topsy-turvy reality resonates with our lived experiences during the pandemic, where we must navigate work, school and leisure through a screen.
Using our combined observations of hundreds of Zoom meetings and scholarly insights from the fields of anthropology and psychology, we explore these questions to consider the transformative impact of digital platforms on our work environments and identities.