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Victoria downgrades some parts of the Greater Sydney region from "red" to "orange" under its coronavirus risk rating, allowing some Victorians to return home from 6:00pm tonight.
Victoria downgrades most of the Greater Sydney region from "red" to "orange" under its coronavirus risk rating, allowing some Victorians to return home from 6:00pm tonight.
Jindera solar farm approved as part of NSW renewable energy plan angers farmers
ThuThursday 24
Olivia Hanel says it is gut-wrenching that her farm will be surrounded by solar panels.
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A three-year battle between farmers and the New South Wales Government has ended with the conditional approval of a 120-megawatt solar farm planned for land 4 kilometres out of the Jindera township.
Key points:
The $168-million project will host a 30megawatt/60-megawatt-hour battery facility
Greater Hume Shire Council general manager Steven Pinnuck says the developer has to abide by 60 conditions
But farmer Olivia Hanel says not enough has been done to protect the land