Sacred Heart School honored for patriotism
Eighth graders Nicholas Gallow of Moosup, left, and Joshua Lodyko of Griswold raise the American flag during a ceremony Jan. 29 at Sacred Heart School in Taftville. (Photo by Kevin Gorden)
Tom Callinan from the Norwich Area Veterans Council, left, presents a certificate of appreciation to eighth grade students Ava Wasilewski of Preston and Anthony Debartolo of Lisbon at Sacred Heart School in Taftville. These were the two students Callinan saw take down the flag at the end of the school day, prompting him to recommend the school get a certificate from the Council for teaching respect of the flag. (Photo by Kevin Gorden)
Norwich Nearly 200 Norwich Free Academy teachers, administrators and support staff members made their way to the Norton Gymnasium in small groups Friday to receive their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
“It does feel like a milestone,” said NFA job coach Wes Murphy, who also coaches boys basketball and boys and girls volleyball. “I’m able to do what’s needed to get back to our regular schedule and activities.”
Daisy Torres, a member of the janitorial and cleaning staff, said she was ready to get her vaccine. As a cancer survivor, she said she was “so happy” to sign up for the NFA mass vaccination clinic.
NFA News: Slater Museum devotes gallery wall to Ellis Ruley’s work Cheif (sic) Grey Owl and Wife, oil-based house paint on posterboard by Ellis Ruley; gift of George Meyer. (Photo submitted)
Published March 03. 2021 7:27AM
Vivian F. Zoe, Special to The Times
The Slater Memorial Museum on the campus of Norwich Free Academy recently created an exhibition within an exhibition. Having grown its collection of works by Ellis Walter Ruley fourfold over the past few years, the museum has installed a new wall in the Connecticut Artists of the Twentieth Century gallery, featuring the paintings of Ellis Walter Ruley (1888-1959).
Visitors will get to see almost every aspect of the syruping processes, from identifying the right type of tree all the way to eating delicious maple syrup.
Norfolk police and crime commisssioner Lorne Green.
- Credit: Archant
Organisations have been urged to get involved in a project aimed at tackling drugs misuse in the Norwich area.
Norfolk s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Lorne Green, whose office is managing the funding round on behalf of partners, is inviting applications from firms which can support offenders, or potential offenders into employment.
The support service, known as Pathway Out , will provide participants with positive educational experiences, training and employment opportunities to encourage them away from a life of illegal drugs.
Mr Green is looking to award funding for a support worker role.