Valtioneuvoston kanslia (VNK) salasi oikeuskansleri Tuomas Pöystille lähetetyn tyhjän sähköpostin, jonka liitteenä oli lakiluonnos liikkumisrajoituksista.
Eurooppa-neuvoston puheenjohtaja Charles Michel sanoo EU:n olevan valmis keskustelemaan Yhdysvaltojen aloitteesta luopua koronarokotusten patenteista,.
‘Love of My Life’ returns to primetime this Monday
Published December 27, 2020 7:13pm Beginning Monday (December 28), GMA Network offers Kapuso viewers something to look forward to this new year with the much-awaited comeback of the highly-rated family drama series ‘Love of My Life’ to primetime. After several months of hiatus due to the pandemic, the star-studded cast are all set to gift their loyal fans with a recap of the heartwarming series which they have consistently followed since its pilot airing. Love of My Life dwells on the atypical relationship of the Gonzales family. Isabella (Coney Reyes), the matriarch, is a rich widow with high standards who would stop at nothing to get what’s best for her sons - Nikolai (Mikael Daez), the youngest son who has grown into a rebellious man, and Stefano (Tom Rodriguez), the favorite son who also happens to father the child of his former lover, Kelly (Rhian Ramos).