From the column: It should not be normal for a mass shooting every week or more frequently.
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Sarah Mikesell, Joan Peterson, and Mary Streufert | 10:00 am, Jun. 3, 2021 × Joan Peterson (from left), Sarah Mikesell and Mary Streufert listen to a speaker during a candlelight vigil to remember victims of gun violence. 2018 News Tribune file photo
It seems hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear about another incident of gun violence with killed or maimed innocent victims. June seems to be an unusually deadly month. That is why there are many anniversary dates and activities.
June 4 is National Gun Violence Awareness Day.
The Alabama State Conference National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) supports the “Wear Orange” campaign to “honor the lives of people in the United States affected by gun violence and demand an end to this crisis.” The NAACP national activities on Friday, June 4, 2021, will show support for National Gun Violence Awareness Day.
The “Wear Orange” organization was started to honor 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton, who was shot and killed in Chicago in 2013. The color orange was what her friends wore to honor her. “After her death, they asked us to stand up, speak out, and Wear Orange to raise awareness about gun violence.”
Jun. 2 Noon Thursday, June 3, is the deadline to appear in next week's What's Happening. We must receive your event in writing with a contact phone number for questions. Due to the large number of submissions, events may run only one time in print, will be edited and appear in the week before the event date. Email: Mail to: Lifestyle, Belleville News-Democrat, P.O. Box 427, .