Unipest Pest Control Will Take Whatever Steps Necessary To Save Homes From Annoying Little Pests
Unipest Pest Control is one of Santa Clarita’s most trusted pest control companies that started from the ground up and has been a household name all throughout the Santa Clarita Valley.
This company went door-to door in the neighborhood before taking on the whole valley. When it comes to termites, Unipest uses their unique orange oil formula that kills termites on contact, even if you miss a portion of the colony.
So, what happens if termites invade your bookcase and interrupt your nightly reading of Stephanie Meyer’s “Twilight”? The experts at Unipest know that these drywood termites can eat anything of cellulose material, so whether they started from the walls or the floors, these little termites just kept feeding and made their way into chapter 5 of “Twilight”.
Woster: Showing sibling love, state by state
Sibling relationships are, oh, complicated might be a good word. You grow up together, no matter how you might try to separate from the rest of the family. Written By: Terry Woster | ×
If you asked me how I feel about my two brothers and two sisters, I’d tell you without hesitation that I love them.
Interestingly enough, that would place me among about 50 percent of the people in South Dakota who would use that word to describe their relationship with their siblings. That’s according to a report I received the other day from some data outfit that studies such things. As sometimes happens in an internet world, I got the report without asking. Well, sure I did. Who’d think to ask if anyone had studied how siblings describe their relationships with brothers or sisters?
Daisy Avalos
Dallas as an Arts Hub: A Conversation with Dallas Arts Leaders Dallas is home to a wide variety of diverse artists from different cultures and mediums, which makes this conversation on future art support so urgent. TITAS/DANCE UNBOUND is hosting a free virtual panel with Dallas Arts District leaders that will speak on the cultural impact Dallas has made as well as the future of programming for Dallas Arts Month. The panel will feature TITAS/DANCE UNBOUND’s executive director Charles Santos, Dallas Arts District leaders such as executive director of Dallas Arts District Lilly Weiss and City of Dallas’ Office of Cultural Affairs director Jennifer Scripps.