House Financial Services Subcommittee Issues Testimony From U.S. Conference of Mayors, Mayors & CEOs for U.S. Housing Investment
June 16, 2021
WASHINGTON, June 16 The House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development and Insurance issued the following testimony by San Francisco Mayor London N. Breed, on behalf of the the U.S. Conference of Mayors and Mayors and CEOs for U.S. Housing Investment, as part of a virtual hearing entitled Flexible Federal Funding: Examining the Community Development Block Grant Program and Its Impact on Addressing Local Challenges :
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France holds run-offs for regional elections on Sunday that could shift the balance between political heavyweights vying for pole position in next year's presidential race.
Preşedintele Autorităţii pentru Reformă Feroviară, Gigi Gavrilă, susţine, într-un interviu acordat AGERPRES, că liberalizarea totală a pieţei de transport feroviar de călători înainte de 2026 nu ar fi recomandată, mai ales că operatorii români vor avea un dezavantaj în faţa celor străini şi din cauza materialului rulant învechit.
El atrage atenţia că, în cazul în care legislaţia în domeniul achiziţiilor nu va fi îmbunătăţită, în conformitate cu prevederile Uniunii Europene, există riscul ca până în anul 2025 România să nu beneficieze de trenuri noi achiziţionate prin ARF.
Iran has no obligation to respond to the U.N. nuclear watchdog IAEA's request regarding an extension of a monitoring deal, the Iranian envoy to the body was quoted as saying on Friday, after the agency's head said an immediate response from Iran was needed.
For Roger Federer, Wimbledon 2021 will not only be the last Grand Slam he contests before celebrating the "big four-oh" but also a chance to put behind him the memory of his 2019 heartbreak at the grasscourt major.