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Presented by CVS Health
THE BUZZ: From state legislators to reluctantly homeschooling parents to mask-weary residents, Californians have a common coronavirus query: Are we there yet?
California’s miniscule transmission rate has us on the brink of a wide-scale reopening. Much of the state’s population already lives in the least-restrictive tier, which allows businesses to operate at the maximum pandemic capacity. Gov.
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05/10/2021 09:28 AM EDT
THE BUZZ MAGA MANIA: As the Republican Party nationally wrestles with its allegiance to Donald Trump, California Rep. Devin Nunes gathered thousands in Tulare Saturday at a “Freedom Fest” that waved the #MAGA flag. He offered full-throated support to the former president and drew a pair of high-profile California Republicans whose very political survival may depend on their ability to appeal across the aisle.
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