ولاية أميركية توقف حكم الإعدام بحق شخصين
خبرني - حالت المحكمة العليا في ولاية ساوث كارولاينا الأميركية، الأربعاء، دون إجراء إعدامات كان تنفيذها مقررا، هذا الشهر، وذلك بموجب قانون الإعدام الذي تم تعديله مؤخرا في الولاية.
وأصدرت المحكمة العليا، الأربعاء، أمرا يقضي بوقف مخططات الإعدام بشكل مؤقت بحق السجينين، براد سيغمون، وفريدي أوينز.
وقال محامو كل من سيغمون وأوينز إن الولاية لم تستنفد كل السبل للحصول على الحقن القاتلة المستخدمة في عمليات الإعدام.
ويفرض القانون الجديد على السجناء الاختيار ما بين الكرسي الكهربائي أو الفرقة المتخصصة بالإعدام
Michelle Liu And Meg Kinnard
This Oct. 12, 2017, photo provided by the South Carolina Department of Corrections shows Freddie Owens. The South Carolina Supreme Court on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, blocked the planned executions of Owens and another inmate by electrocution, saying they cannot be put to death until they truly have the choice of a firing squad option set out in the state s newly revised capital punishment law. (South Carolina Department of Corrections via AP) June 16, 2021 - 5:04 PM
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) â The South Carolina Supreme Court on Wednesday blocked the planned executions of two inmates by electrocution, saying they cannot be put to death until they truly have the choice of a firing squad option set out in the state s newly revised capital punishment law.
June 16, 2021 5:04 PM By MICHELLE LIU and MEG KINNARD
Associated Press/Report for America
Kinard Lisbon
FILE - This March 2019, file photo, provided by the South Carolina Department of Corrections shows the state s electric chair in Columbia, S.C. South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster signed into law last week a bill that would essentially restart the state s stalled death penalty after a lack of lethal injection drugs has delayed several executions. The new law would let condemned inmates choose between the electric chair or a newly formed firing squad.
This Oct. 12, 2017, photo provided by the South Carolina Department of Corrections shows Freddie Owens. The South Carolina Supreme Court on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, blocked the planned executions of Owens and another inmate by electrocution, saying they cannot be put to death until they truly have the choice of a firing squad option set out in the state s newly revised capital punishment la
The executions had been scheduled less than a month after the passage of a new law compelling the condemned to choose between electrocution or a firing squad if lethal injection drugs aren’t available. The statute is aimed at restarting executions after an involuntary 10-year pause that the state attributes to an inability to procure the drugs.
Prisons officials say they still can’t get ahold of lethal injection drugs and have yet to put together a firing squad, leaving the state’s 109-year-old electric chair as the only method of execution.
Attorneys for the two men had argued that death by electrocution is cruel and unusual, saying the new law moves the state toward less humane execution methods. They have also said the men have the right to die by lethal injection and the state hasn’t exhausted all methods to procure lethal injection drugs.