The Freeport Concert Band will kick off its 2021 Music Under the Stars summer concert series on Sunday, June 13, 2021 at the historic Koenig Bandshell in Freeport’s Krape Park.
Freeport Park District offering bus ride to Cubs game
FREEPORT The Freeport Park District is offering bus rides to the Chicago Cubs vs. the St. Louis Cardinals game at 6:15 p.m. July 10.
Buses will depart at 2:30 p.m. from the Burchard Avenue parking lot adjacent to the Administration Center in Read Park.
The cost is $105 for residents and $110 for nonresidents. Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Those attending may have to walk several blocks from bus parking to the stadium.
The registration deadline is June 25. To register, call 815-235-6114 or visit
American Legion Auxiliary s Girls State funding available
Jane Lethlean
Special to The Journal-Standard
FREEPORT As spring temperatures bring people outdoors for seasonal fun, park-goers like Mike Marten and his family are gearing up summer and looking for the right activities to keep their children active.
“Taking my family to Krape Park is reliving memories from my childhood and I want to create those same memories for my children,” Martin said.
The Freeport Park District made changes to its annual program guide this year by going digital. The guide is intended to let people know what is going on in the Freeport Park district for the next year. Marten said he is ready to learn more.