Dec 21, 2020
LANSING The state Senate finalized a bill sponsored by Sen. Ed McBroom that would rename the bridge on U.S. 2 that crosses the Escanaba River as the Senator Tom Casperson Memorial Bridge.
“Tom Casperson meant so much to so many people in the U.P. His passion for people and our way of life was amazing. His legislative accomplishments are literally unparalleled by any U.P. legislator and likely never will be surpassed,” said McBroom, R-Waucedah Township. “This memorial bridge offers a lasting tribute to him for all to see. It is special to him in many ways: Wells Township and Escanaba, his home communities; the route to the paper mill he drove for 30 years; a river he helped restore from a dangerous, 120+ year-old bridge; and a new bridge for which he helped secure the construction.”
Journal staff
GWINN Forsyth Township and Gwinn Community Schools have paired up to offer a Community Dinner from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Christmas day at the Gwinn High School. Reservations are required for delivery and pick up by Wednesday. Call or text 906-360-7069.
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