دام برس :ألقى فرع الأمن الجنائي في اللاذقية القبض على عصابة مؤلفة من سبعة أشخاص تمتهن السرقة وتصريف الدولارات المسروقة وهم المدعوون (عبد الرحمن. ق) و(يحيى . خ) و(محمود . ف)
بعيداً عن مسألة الحقوق والحرّيات والكرامة حتّى، كانت الثورة فرصة مُعتبرة حقيقية سانحة مُتاحة ومناسبة تماماً كي تحسّن دخلك أيّها السوري الخانع المجنون، نعم دخلك المادّي فحسب، ولن تبقى من عشّاق العبودية بعد ذلك، فتحسين مقوّمات الحياة تلقائياً سيحسّن المزاج!.
Children of Syria â The Lost Hope
Ten Years of Relentless Violations of Childrenâs Rights Documented by the Syrian Network for Human Rights
Over the past ten years, children in Syria have been subjected to all sorts of human rights and international humanitarian law violations, with no distinction made by warring parties between adults and children, nor consideration for childrenâs unique vulnerability and protected status under IHL. There is barely any atrocity that adults were subjected to throughout the Syrian conflict that was not inflicted upon children as well. These appalling violations, which include extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrest and detention, torture, sexual violence, conscription, displacement, and forced abandonment of education, have had an unspeakable impact on boys and girls across Syria, as well as lasting consequences on the future of surviving children, on their communities and on the country as a whole.
Fadel Abdul Ghany
By:Chase @jiggliemon Wilson
It is estimated that about 1.2 million Syrian citizens have been arrested and detained at some point since March 2011. During this period, an estimated number of 99 000 persons have been forcibly disappeared, while the Syrian Regime is responsible for about 84 000 of these cases (SNHR Report of 30 August of 2020, p. 8, 9).
The crime of enforced disappearance, which is often accompanied by acts of torture, violates international law. The Syrian Arab Republic is not a party to the 2006 International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED). However, the prohibition of enforced disappearances flows also from customary rules of international humanitarian law, when taking place within an armed conflict, as well as from the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Syria has ratified.