as the champion of the poor. the kennediesque person. the person who took on the establishment that greedy corrupt establishment and spread the wealth to the have nots. that s what he lives for. two different guys. am i wrong? i think it is true that barack obama comes at this job and these issues from a position further out on the left than bill clinton ever did. let s not overlook the fact that clinton governed as a left liberal in the first two years bill: that s what him elected he didn t really beef that s not right. clinton ran as a centrist. he ran on the promise of a middle class tax cut. he ran on bread and butter centrist issues. he went back on the promise of the middle class tax cut. bill: that s because hillary was pushing that. hillary was part of the package. remember two for the price of one and all that?
if you are hugely rich and a liberal democrat you get a pass. never seen class warfare as nasty as it is today, as a result of this tax debate. i ve seen it. bill: it is generalized. stupid. irrational. steven spielberg beyond wealthy. you take a guy like bill gates the same situation. and these people, they make an enormous amount of money. are they over-paying taxes giving away their wealth to the government? i don t think so. john kerry could have checked the box in massachusetts that said i would like to give mormon and pay a higher tack rate. he chose more money and pay a higher tax rate. he chose not to. i think this is a bogus, phony debate. thank you for that. a lot of people who are writing think that all rich people make spielberg . or john kerry . a lot of so-called rich
[ unintelligible ] [ laughing ] bill: that is pathetic. she says she was using a legal substance. the sad fact that her days of being a positive role model for young women are long gone. four: tis the season a church in west palm beach, florida was rehearsing a nativity show when this happened. bill: they fired the camel. true story. check five: on the fox business network, imus holds court in the
events. bill: you know what i love cameron, when president obama left and he had to leave, because he had other commitments. then president clinton went, all right, see you later. you in the back row there! it was great. like here i am, i m in charge for one more day! it was funny. i don t think it did president obama any harm if he gets it passed. everybody will forget that and we ll go on with our lives. if it was a comparison in triangulation it was a difference. barack obama said democrats were being sanctimonious and republicans were hostage-takers. there s a different kind of triangulation. polls show it hadn t worked. there s a poll out today that says independents are liking him less and he remainses and continues to have the lowest approval rating since the election and democrats are
bill: if i were a far left loon i would be upset because my whole reason for living has evaporated for two years. that s what i was trying to say to you earlier. they are upset this conversation now is all on republican terms. and just as you bill: it is over. like the jets yesterday they couldn t score a touchdown in four quarters and they lost. the idea that republicans, who have obstructed obama all along and said no to him and wroepb vote for anything. they now get won t vote for anything. they now dictate the terms just dives bill: okay, we just dives. bill: okay we it. interesting discussion about the true nature of bill clinton and barack obama. i continue to believe that president obama s belief system, liberal belief system that he has is much more intense juan than bill