knows is not only right but imperative. to enact tough and comprehensive reform. greta: just to play the devil s advocate. you say you want the federal government to show moral courage to give clarity. the federal government hasn t as you just said. do are you not the least bit sympathetic with your state trying to do something to get the attention or at least to solve the problem on their own? of course. one of the things that i think will continue in the absence of federal action states like arizona and other states will continue to try and find their own at least partial remedies. that s why it is so important congress steps in. we are looking at a patchwork of policies around the nation. that will confusion and problems for folks who travel around our nation. greta: is the lawsuit by
if every unit of government did this, if your sidewalks that were being put in said paid for by the city of l.a., the bridge repair said paid for by the state of new york in the case of the stimulus projects paid for by the reinvestment recovery act of america it is ludicrous. we found out in i willly, my home state our state has spent $650,000 of the stimulus money just on these promotional signs. over 20 million dollars nationwide just in year within of the program and we are saying in is an easy cut. easy elimination of unnecessary spending of taxpayer dollars on a bunch of promotional fluff. greta: i ve put a poll up on to see viewers can go now and vote whether they think we should spend money on signs with the stimulus money telling us the work is being done by stimulus
greta: the department of inter interior is supposed to monitor oil is gushing into the gulf and it is unstop able. could it get worse? press investigation has uncovered terrifying new information. joining us live ap reporter. jeff we ve got a lot of attention on this one gushing well then we wake up to read the ap story and it is scandalous. what is out there as a possible risk factor? a whole bunch of wells out there that have been abandoned since the 1940s the oil industry finished exploring with them, finished producing with them. they are supposed to seal them. they submit paperwork and then the paperwork is reviewed.
a democrat. good evening and your thoughts about the federal lawsuit against your state and your governor in her official capacity? well, it is clear the department of justice has the authority to bring in lawsuit. regardless of whether you support the lawsuit or not i think it provides an important opportunity to get clarity for not only arizona but other states about where are authority resides and where the federal government s authority resides? right now there s a lot of confusion about what we can and can t do. hopefully this will create a bright line that allows us to know for sure what states can do and what we have to rely on the federal government to do. greta: has the federal government failed or succeeded in arizona in detailing with the illegal immigration problem? oh, well that s something we can all agree on. the federal government has abysmally failed in arizona we are waiting everyday for congress to gain the moral courage to do what our country
the work, doesn t monitor for leaks. so the flat truth of the matter is mms in fact, nobody neither mms nor anyone else knows how many of these wells might be leaking and how badly. we do know i m sorry go ahead. greta: you told me the wells go back 40 years. i think mms only came into existence in the 90s. like three decade what paperwork are they looking at? it seems they may have looked at paperwork in the last nine or 10 years. is there paperwork from the earlier ones? who is inspecting those are they just sitting dormant out there? there s been some regulation on how you re supposed to seal wells for some decades now that s not entirely new. but, there s never been any effort to go back and check. there s always been the assumption, even to this day,