In recent years, the forms of trademark infringement have become more and more diverse. The Trademark Law, the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law and judicial.
TV News - She may play a domineering boss and wife in the new Mediacorp drama My One and Only. But in real life, Zoe Tay prefers to take the back seat. Speaking to 8world on June 8, she said, "Even today, the man is still the head of the household and. Read more at
Women today are empowered to do more, but Zoe Tay feels this might prove a detriment at home. In an interview with 8world published yesterday (June 8), Zoe shared that a powerful woman may cause problems within the family. The 55-year-old veteran actress admitted: "I'm not a powerful female figure, and neither am I someone who knows or wants to.