shelters over capacity as the government races to add thousands more beds. plus, how did an unaccompanied migrant teen die in a facility in florida? the new warning from the homeland security secretary to migrants with the administration facing new questions over its handling of the crisis and our reporter inside a shelter tonight. tornado outbreak. a massive tornado bearing down. another one ripping through a town as millions face more severe weather overnight. we re tracking it. the marine veteran who put a homeless man in a fatal chokehold free on bail after surrendering to face a manslaughter charge. new reaction from the homeless man s family. the idaho mother known as the doomsday cult mom found guilty of all charges in the deaths of her two youngest children and her husband s ex-wife and what lori vallow now faces. the man who now admits he crashed his own plane, jumping out and recording the whole thing all for a promotion. the new push for more support during
anand that meaeans everythth. nothining is everyrything now s ththe time to o ask yoyour doctor r about skyryr. learn how w abbvie could helplp you save.e. (v(vo) this i is sadie, s she s onn verizon.n. now s ththe time to o ask yoyour doctor r about skyryr. the e network shshe can counun. and d now she s s got myplan, the gameme-changing g new plan t letsts her pick k exactly what s she wants a and save onoy peperk. sadie is g getting her plann ready y for a big g trip. trtravel pass,s, on. nice i iphone. cutute couple. trips s don t lalast forever, neitither does s summer love. so, sadidie is movining on. apapple music,c, check! intrododucing myplplan. get exacactly what y you want, y pay y for what y you need. switch nowow and get i iphone 1o max onon us. offerer ends julyl. it s yoyour verizonon.
but for r you, therere s a pil thatat may provivide sysymptom relilief. ask your d doctor abouout xelj. (cecily)y) you re lookingng pleased w wih yoyourself. (seth)h) not toto brag, thatat may provivide sysymptom relilief. but i justst switched d to veri. (cecilily) so youou got an awawesome netwt. (seteth) and d when i swiwitched, i got toto choose ththe phone ii wanted. . for free. . not bragg. (cecilily) you re braggining. (neighghbor) ohoh, he s s bragging.. (seth)h) who, m me? never. . oh, excuse. hellllo, your roroyal highnen, sisir. (cecily) okay, ththat s a a brag. (seteth) hey, m mom. i gotttta call youo. (vo)o) visit yoyour verizonon store dug our r spring savavings eventnt and choooose the phohone you w, like t the incredidible iphone, onon us. verizonn life. doesesn t stop f for diabete. bebe ready foror every momom, with glulucerna. life. doesesn t stop f for diabete. itit s the numumber one dodor recommenended brbrand that is scientitifically dedesigneo hehelp manage e yo