manufacturing home. we need to starta. minding our own rare earth minerals here, not have the lithium cour r market cornered by china. are you surprised? i mean i mean, sorry to interrupt. we re almost out of time, but no surprise that at the event with desantis, so little time, almost no time devoted to the economy, which is the number one issue for americans across myevery political persuasion and ethnicity. it s o yeah, i agree.topics it is . and it s on these topics that you ll probably get in with . robert kennedy, too, we bothtooo know is also really into this. the bill of rights is noworry something we have to worry about in the private sector. . think the economy s huge i will say free speech.e sp that s the hallmark of the desantis campaign. so i understand where wante they wanted to focus on some of those issues. focu order to win, as youee pointed out, you really needg it to bring it back here. and again, the thirdhe bucket i i ll close with for you cl, laura , is produc
and this is than ever before in california s history, a whopping one hundred and seventy three thousand. but even that number underestimateseven the problem. the place is also teeming with deblst. it s local governments are in the red to the tune of almost one point six trillion dollars . now, for $1 some perspective here,ary bu the discretionary budget of the entire united statesdg was one point six trillion dollars in fiscal year.$1.6 2020 t one now. it s so bad that roughly 25% of the nation s housing shortage right now is attributabl righte to california and the middle class there. it s getting absolutely crushed. the gaelp between high and low income families in california is among the biggest intop of the nation. t families at the top of income the income distribution earned eleven times more than families at the bottom. so with the golden state s decline only accelerating, youee
mr. kim, thank you so much form coming on . so it s hard to have perspective on this for most people, including me, when youee see these videos, how significant, how serioushoio are these protests potentially?w do you think? years in well, we ve never seen protests like this in overwill 30 years in china, and it really will force the chinese evvernment to change their governance model. ever since tiananmen square, tucker, what the chinese communis since t thet party has. they said we re not goingengage to let that happen again. th re going to engage in i the largest, massive aga surveillance state in the history of the world againsinn ci.t our own citizens. and if we get even a whiff ofmp discontent, we re going to stamp it out. and they ve been successful inat doing that. nais is the first time in thirty three years that we ve pl now seen nationwide protests.em and it s not just a problem or the challenge for jinping and the chinese communist party d from just a one issue covid iss
who disagrees with me should ? killed believe in my heart that they know they know it s murder. so i mean they can admit to it so they have to just bypass that and blow by it and just n act like itev never happened. yo didu? did kinzinger call you did lindsey graham who encouraged the capitol police to shoothoot more trump? has anyone called you say, youee know, we disagree, but i m really sorry that your wife was shot in the neck and killed . so i ve never received a call from anybody from congressman. we do have members of congress that are openly helping us and championing us . but i have not received any phone calls regarding the death of my wife other than january six . denaturalizes called me that nightht. ce so c we ve got new evidence for evidence has come out subsequent to january 6th. it w shows that your wife not t only was not posinghr a threat but was preventing others from posing a threat. can you characterize it for us ? man? it appears toway. me that were u know, everyb
it s that bad. w and hereit now is more is the author of the dying citizen victor davis hanson alongsa with former arkansas governor mike huckabee. good to see youee. bothh, gover. i never thought things could turn to this dramatic bad in this short period of time. t. you know the list and all of it preventable in my eyes. your thoughts the thing republicans have to be careful of is that we don t thinkat that just because the democrats have completely imploded that the people of america lover republicans allic the suddene because they don t. and we need c to give the people of the country a reason to votee for republicans than their policies, not just say, hey,ir n democrats, everything s completely fallen apart. yes, joe biden s got a thirty three percent approval rating. it s justal unbelievably bad. the border is a the economys, is a mess. w gas and grocery prices, we get all that . what republicans must do iso