so a lot of folks outside the yale law school are also responding to the backlash and the story in general. donna says, please, the court will be more entered and follow the law instead of political agenda and pam, let me get to one more on social media seems today people go to any lengths to smear a person they disagree with. so major reaction to sort of a noncontroversial statement from yale law school. heather: yeah, people were up in arms yesterday saying he used credit cards, baseball tickets, you know, how can he dare do that. carley: wow. heather: let s talk about dewayne johnson ordering rumors carley: looks like he s not cooking up presidential run, he recently respond rumors that he would be running in 2020, unfortunately i don t see it happening in 2020. it s a position that requires years of hard work and experience to learn the skills due to my schedule it s not possible in 2020. position, it s something that i seriously considered, what i
need is time and to go out and learn. a lot of folks on social media they are weighing in on this one big time. let s get to some reactions, guys, someone in hollywood with some sense. another twitter user writes this, good, stick to acting, sir, you re great at it. it sure does sound like he s interested in running just not 2020. heather: interesting, we have another season of ballers coming up pretty soon, we will watch him there. he has a busy acting schedule. heather: let s talk about taylor swift. there was rumor that taylor swift will make appearance, interns rushing for cell phone and flooding the highways, take a look at tweet from daily mail reporter emily, with twitter, taylor swift coming to stop, this tweet, james fonda, look at her, she s right there, walked
nato, have been concerned about that before he even left he said that that would be the easiest stop of this trip and those are the concerns that he might go a little bit easy on russia s aggression in the ukraine, cyber hacking and maybe even sanctions, worrying time, busy time, president trump very busy over the next several days and i guaranty, you heather, making news. heather: we are looking at live shots, the meeting going at 4:30 a.m. eastern time dealing with afghanistan, do you have any more insight as to what to expect there, but perhaps more importantly, some of the behind scenes are happening in terms of the big personalities, all of the world leaders there, we saw them taking group picture, can you provide any insight on that? absolutely, heather, president trump is a different animal than the other presidents that nato leaders in the past
she has organized scheduled her surgery around fox fan weekend. marcie, come on. start e-mailing us now. coming up soon. heather: thank you so much, appreciate it. well, the time now is about half past the hour antitrump fbi agent peter strzok finally in the hot seat, but exlover lisa page refusing to speak to lawmakers.
even governor intervened there. demanding it be removed. disrespectful display on ku campus is unacceptable, douglas choosing to remove the flag from campus ground saying, quoting the conservation around the the conservation the display has generated public safety concerns for our campus community. while, we want to foster difficult dialogue, we cannot allow dialing to put our people or property in harm s way, the privately-funded project will not be entirely gone. it has been moved indoors at the museum on campus but governor appearing to jab the university posting photos an twitter saying, quote, meanwhile at state capitol we fly the flag proudly. heather: thank you so much, jackie, we want everybody to let us know what they think about this, sure they have a lot to