The show seems to be filled with suspense, drama and thriller. Sejal is shown as a naive girl and Yohan falls in love with her, unaware of the fact that she is actually a spy on a mission. Sejal is trying to unite the family by clearing out the differences between everyone but she is doing this secretly. |
Sejal is a young intelligence recruit who has been tasked to spy on Yohan Nanda, a suspected terrorist. Upon successfully infiltrating the house of the Nanda family, Sejal keeps an eye on Yohan but starts falling in love with his aloof yet charismatic nature. |
Spy Bahu recently went on floors and viewers are already enjoying the thrilling episodes daily. As the story moves forward we are introduced to new characters in the show. |
MUMBAI: They say that true artists are like water; they take the shape and form of any character that they play with absolute dedication. |