Renowned filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki is working on his next movie, as confirmed by his producing partner Toshio Suzuki. Suzuki, who served as Studio Ghibli's president from 2005-2008, reported that Miyazaki is constantly thinking about his next work, and he no longer tries to dissuade him. “I can't stop him, in fact, I've given up,” Suzuki told Libération.
Neha Thakur scripted history as she bagged silver medal in sailing at Asian Games 2023. Here s know the journey of this 17-year-old sailor who became the inspiring force of youth. - Meet Neha Thakur, 17-Year-Old Farmer s Daughter Who Just Won Silver at Asian Games 2023
By Saio Marrah A 47-Year-old Farmer, Alpha Sheriff of No.1 Sheriff Drive, Kamabai town in Bombali District, has appeared before a magistrate court in Freetown for unlawful possession of a grey and black Taurus Armas Revolver Pistol in Kebbie town Bo District. The accused is also charged with unlawful concealment of the same gun on 7th June this year. Sheriff, first accused,
Inside a hollowed cave in Saudi Arabia, a mysterious massive pile of bones, with human remains collected over the years. The sheer number of bones store inside this lava tube is staggering and raises questions about how it got there.