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El lema será “Caracas: un libro abierto” y tendrá como escritora homenajeada a la antropóloga e historiadora, Iraida Vargas.
La edición 12 de la Feria del Libro de Caracas inició el jueves y mantendrá sus puertas abierta hasta el próximo 25 de julio, informó la Alcaldía de la capital venezolana y la Fundación para la Cultura y las Artes (Fundarte), quienes organizan el evento.
El lema será “Caracas: un libro abierto” y tendrá como escritora homenajeada a la antropóloga e historiadora, Iraida Vargas, quien ha realizado diversos aportes en cuestiones geopolíticas y sociales sobre el país.
April 21, 2021 MACOMB/MOLINE, IL - Six students graduating from Western Illinois University at the end of the Spring 2021 semester have received the highest recognition from their colleges for their overall academic excellence by being named a College Scholar.
Faculty in each of the University s four academic colleges; Global Education and Outreach and the Centennial Honors College each select a graduating senior as the college s outstanding student. Students graduating as College Scholars have satisfied the criteria of excellence established by their individual academic college s faculty members. A Departmental Scholar is an outstanding degree candidate in an academic major as determined by the faculty in the major department. An Honors Scholar is a student in the Centennial Honors College who has completed a set of honors requirements and has achieved a grade point average of at least 3.4 on a 4.0 scale.