reporter: michael, how are you feeling today? not answering any questions. i want to bring carol back in from the washington post. take us back in time and give us a bit of a history lesson. president trump said in 2015, 2016. i remember when he sat down with lester holt and said i have no financial ties with russia. i m not investing any money there. the game is that the russians have the dough, you have the brand. so the president was very, in his mind, carefully or cleverly wordsmithing it, that he was not ever investing in russia.
i think it s wordsmithing. facebook is a really big company. zuckerberg said in a phone call with reporters they didn t know they had employed this firm in washington. cheryl sandburg is saying we didn t employ anyone to do this. well, maybe. the big picture is facebook is running away from its leadership. has grown to a point where it s out of their control. you got to campaign that to a jamie dimond. he said, i didn t know these things happened on my watch. i m the ceo, the buck must stop with me. did this call go remarkably how does that not cause the board to say, mark, are you even doing your job? our friend cara swisher made
that we looked up to to adhere to the rule of law and honor the rule of law actually trying to degrade it is as a former federal prosecutor is so disappointing. we should have former senator rick santorum on. he said one person s informant is another person s spy. in terms of what they are saying that the fbi spied on the campaign. i think for some in the american public it can be confusing. how is investigating a crime spying? it s not. what this administration is incredibly good at is wordsmithing whether the word spy or witch hunt or lock her up or build the wall they are good at messaging. we as the listener, we have to be more discriminatory when we listen to what is being said to us and what people are asking us to believe. you are on the veterans affairs committee. finally on this memorial day
people remember the sound bite and the look on his face when he gave that answer. he was never going to explicitly answer some of the questions that we had for him because doing so would absolutely implicate him. nothing else summarizes quite so clearly the fact that this is a man who is lying and who is simply using wordsmithing to avoid saying the obvious. amazingly, after the tape s release, the president s approval ratings ticked up another notch. to republicans in congress, this was an ominous sign because a major decision was looming. on capitol hill, the house judiciary committee is expected to vote in two weeks on whether to start a formal impeachment inquiry. you tell your insurance company they made a mistake. the check they sent isn t enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn t make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? he says, you should have chosen full-car replacement.
bite and the look on his face when he gave that answer. he was never going to explicitly answer some of the questions that we had for him because doing so would absolutely implicate him. nothing else summarizes quite so clearly the fact that this is a man who is lying and who is simply using wordsmithing to avoid saying the obvious. amazingly, after the tape s release, the president s approval ratings ticked up another notch. to republicans in congress, this was an ominous sign because a major decision was looming. on capitol hill, the house judiciary committee is expected to vote in two weeks on whether to start a formal impeachment inquiry. when you have a cold, stuff happens.