Translation: Should We Treat the Unvaccinated Like Deadbeats?
Posted by Joseph Brouwer | Apr 7, 2021
Free eggs, flour, grocery coupons, chicken wings, and dumplings have been used to entice citizens to get the shot. In Beijing’s Shijingshan neighborhood, residents were offered free entrance to all parks. But there have also been coercive measures. As one college student told The New York Times, “They say it’s voluntary, but if you don’t get the vaccine, they’ll just keep calling you.” The Times’ report also notes that a Chongqing company said those who refused the vaccine would be “held accountable.”
Some localities have gone even further. A Hainan government notice threatened “rectification.” A viral image, purportedly from a village in Hainan, threatened to blacklist non-vaccinated residents with the “Five Won’ts”: