Mark dayton announced he chose tina smith to fill senator al franken seat until the november election to complete the final two years of senator frankens term. We will likely hear remarks about senate designate tina smith on the floor of the senate today. Live coverage of the u. S. Senate here on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Barry black, will lead the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Our father in heaven, thank you that our lifes pilgrimage is a process and discovery. Open our eyes today that we may see wonderful things in your precepts, gaining wisdom from your word. Help our lawmakers to strive to ensure that their thoughts, words, and deeds will please you. Today, we surrender to your providence, trusting you to order our steps. Lord, teach us to illuminate our world with the wisdom of your divine insights so that your will may be done on earth. Transform lifes deserts so that they blossom like roses. Bring Flowing Spr
Remembers in a photo of mirror lake in mt. Hood, part of the mt. Hood wilderness within the mt. Hood National Forest in my home state of oregon. And mt. Hood, madam president , is an oregon icon. Ahave a and William Wyden are twins, pictures vaibl pictures y iphone after this discussion. They ski this and theyve already recognized at a very young age that mt. Hood is an icon. And wilderness, there and across america, has been called the Gold Standard of conservation. Keeping areas under the strongest level of protection the law provides ensures that they remain wild for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. And by identifying what places deserve wilderness protection in an open, inclusive fashion, the country ensures full public debate, opportunities to bring people together, to build a consensus, sensitivity to rural traditions and local economic needs, with an end product being wilderness areas that all americans can be proud of. Creating wilderness, madam president and perhaps