barnett s headquarters in elizabethtown, pennsylvania, some 90 miles west of philly. alexandra, what can you tell? l allura, things have slowed down just a bit here as a barn headquarters. kathy barnett and her supporters engaged in a prayer circle right now behind me. i and a shortn time ago the crowd in the candidateci, they were engaged in a dancing the macarena. so it s been it s been a night full of hope, especially here the barnett camp because unexpected things have happened in this raceesd, namely garnetta rise in popularity that happenedrn earlier this month and really that came from the supreme court draft opinion leak of roe v. wade as it really points herself to l be the pro-life candidateif. so she thought a lot of momentum there. the question still now, didid that leadn turnout at the polls? th and that is remainsat to be seee but as you mentioned, still a lot of hope in this room right now for volusia county. laura alexandria, thanks for that . and now to brian
but they believe the campaign believes anyway that trump t endorsement made all the difference. i nowt it s just about really turnout at this moment. turnout.looked at the northeastern portions of this state looking at bigger counties as well like montgomery and birks and they re looking at these counties l and hoping and waitg to seeng that they can kind of counteract what has been dave mccormick strength in western pennsylvaniami. so 900000 mail in ballots in this state. ir a lot of people made their decision before that endorsement. so we ll see how it all shakesde out tonight . but right now everyone here juste ha kind of holding tight, waiting to see if that turn happens and that lead change happens within the hour. ge very close. brian, thanks so much. and finally to pittsburgh where senior national correspondent richard cohen is standing by at the headquarters for dave mccormick who is trying to h mountea a furious comeback, although he s up in the numbers right now by 10,000
yeah, that s right, laura . and look there teams always knew that they were going to have a tight race.e.ut whe they say they feel pretty goodbe about where they ve been and where they re going. but again, in a race t this close, you re not going to find so many campaigns at this point in the night saying otherwise. mccormick, western part of the state, is the only top tier candidatee is running the republican party out here for the evening. soing. that s a good indication a lot of the votes coming in from this side of the state right now feel pretty good.e they re hoping that they can hold on , but he s trying to thread that needleon. on the one hand you ve got dr. h mehmet oz with president trumpis and his endorsement. on the other hand , you have kathy barnett and her surge. david mccormick going with or touting the backing of former secretary of state mike pompeo.. they went to west point together, were a year apart and also that of senator ted cruz hoping all of us will come toget