Nogomet teče po žilah obeh finalistk
D. S. | 11. julij 2021 ob 16:30 London - MMC RTV SLO, STA, Radio Slovenija
Po napetem finalu evropskega prvenstva v nogometu so Italijani na stadionu Wembley premagali Angleže.
D. S.
London - MMC RTV SLO, STA, Radio Slovenija
Deli Evforija Italijanov. Foto: Reuters
Finale si je na stadionu lahko ogledalo 60.000 gledalcev, večina domačinov, ki bodo lahko po porazu mirno žalovali, saj so številni delodajalci na Otoku že napovedali, da se bo delovni dan v ponedeljek začel pozneje, zato da bi si ljudje po nocojšnji tekmi opomogli.
Angleška javnost že od svetovnega prvenstva leta 1966, ko so na domačem prvenstvu postali svetovni prvaki, čaka na nov velik uspeh. In po današnjem porazu je jasno, da bodo čakali še naprej.
the ft s main headline is how berlin and paris want a reset for eu relations with moscow. the paper also reports on the outrage sparked by a plan for euro 2020 vips to skip quarantine at the wembley finals. the metro s lead is prem star killed by cop , as the paper reports how the police officer who tasered former footballer dalian atkinson is the first manslaughter conviction of a police officer on duty in 35 years. merkel puts holidays to europe in doubt is the telegraph s lead alongside its main picture story of borisjohnson meeting the queen face to face for their weekly audience without wearing masks. a little flavour there of some of our front pages. a little flavour there of some of ourfront pages. let s a little flavour there of some of our front pages. let s start off our chat, then. sonia and tom, lovely to have you with us here on bbc news
quarantine at the wembley finals. the metro notes how the police officer who tasered former footballer dalian atkinson is the first manslaughter conviction of a police officer on duty in 35 years. ministers will announce tomorrow that junk food giants will be banned from advertising online , according to the times. the express says prince charles spells out in royal accounts the truth of cash gifts to prince harry after the duke of sussex claimed on tv that the royal family had cut him off. the telegraph s picture lead is of borisjohnson meeting the queen face to face for their weekly audience and her majesty expresses symapthy for health secretary matt hancock, describing him as a poor man , in an apparent reference to the pressure he s been under. the mirror features 1,000 acts