EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — Here is a little something different from this space — a quick pocket dump showing my everyday carry for this weekend. Those of you who have read my “semi-irregular” musings on everyday carry, or EDC, gear know that I always carry a pocket knife and usually at least one backup. […]
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — Seems like I’m losing stuff right and left these days. Last week, I misplaced my Leatherman Micra, before it miraculously appeared in the space between my car seat and the door. This week, for a few panic-stricken moments, I thought I’d lost my wallet. I retraced my steps back to […]
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — People often ask me, “What is EDC?”. Well, EDC is short for everyday carry. Everyone has an everyday carry, whether you call it that or not. For most people, it usually means wallet, keys and cell phone. But for EDC enthusiasts, it is a way of engaging the world in […]
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) – If you read this space, you might remember I’ve been on a quest to replace my “George Costanza” wallet with something smaller, lighter and simpler. To that end, I have gone down the rabbit hole of exploring “minimalist” wallets. This journey of hopefully less than a thousand miles began with […]
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) – Psst. Listen up, ladies. Having trouble figuring out what to get your brothers, dad, boyfriend or husband for Christmas? Forget sweaters, socks and ties. That’s what women think we want. Here are some gift ideas for guys who view their life as a daily adventure, whether you work in an […]