the same standards to this as that. so hannity thank you. sean: i m not getting involved in that match however i like it when you re pissed off. laura: tip your tow in the water hannity, it s okay. we ve got to go. all right hannity great to see you. awesome show. i m laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. now for a party that claims to hold greedy corrupt capitalists in check, democrats seem to be on a pathway toward letting crypto creep sam bankman-fried skate. wait until we tell you how house financial chair woman maxine waters, what she just announced. but first, stolen innocence, that s the focus of tonight s angle. now, i still remember when my daughter maria, maybe she was five or six, she wanted an american girl doll for christmas. so i went and looked at them. i fell for theened bra s really wholesome kind of patriotic marketing and i made sure santa