let s turn now to our panel bringing them in early. radio host hugh hiewt. leslie marshall democratic strike that just and former white house press secretary ari fleischer. just a few moments ago, ben sasse, a republican senator put out this press release about the president s press conference. said it was an absolute train wreck that will have serious consequences. president biden basically gave putin a green light to invade urk by yammering about the supposed insignificance of a minor incursion. he projected weakness, not strength. if that wasn t bad enough he undermined trust in our elections here at home. this isn t hard. if you are the president of the united states you affirm public trust in our elections. sadly both the current president and the form everywhere president repeatedly pathetically equivocate. and he goes on. back with the panel. hugh, there were a number of things to take from that first of all, the fact that the president did a news conference that was almost two